Homeschool Resources: Pienkvoet-Pret

27 August 2020| ,

August has almost come and gone, and as blessed as we are that our girls are back at school – there are so many little people who aren’t back full time or who aren’t going back at all. I love that during this time so many Bachelor of Education students have started their own tutor businesses to help parents and kids in need, or started making their own resources. And so many other wonderful small businesses are using great initiatives to sell awesome activities and learning resources.

My third feature today is: Pienk-Voet Pret

This incredible franchise business is run and owned by Suzelle, the gorgeous mama, from Little Crowns Mom blog. Pienk-Voet Pret is an Afrikaans based moms and babes class that originated in Pretoria – a class that encourages moms and dads stimulation and developmental classes with their little ones. Parents are given the opportunity to stimulate their baby and enjoy the time together in a relaxed environment. Like any of these classes, this is our baby’s first interaction with other children, great stimulation activities and a wonderful way for new moms to meet other new moms and get to know each other – because we all know “it takes a village to raise a child.” This is a franchise run business with awesome opportunities if you were interested in purchasing a franchise yourself.

Pienk-Voet Pret also runs a play school for little ones aged between 2 – 5 years and is a wonderful way for kids to follow on from their classes, in a safe, small environment.

But what we loved most being here in Durban, is their online store. Pienk-Voet Pret sell so many wonderful educational activities for kids of all ages: different toys and apparatus used in their classes and then awesome felt boards and puppets. We ordered a few of the activities for our ZB and she absolutely loved them – these include colours, shapes, animals, fine motor skills, facial recognition and the body parts and so much more.

We are so proud of this beautiful brand, and I am a sucker for fun, rainbow branding. But I also know how much my girls loved their local Mommy & Me classes – it was the highlight of my week and where I met so many of my “mom friends”.

You can find Pienk-Voet Pret on Instagram and their website. Place your orders on their online store.


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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