Friday, the 13th April – our very first lucky day.
The day you were born.
How was that EIGHT years ago already?
Dear SJ,
Happy 8th birthday our beautiful big girl.
It’s quite surreal to think that you made me a mama eight years ago – some days that feels like yesterday and I remember the day you were born, lucky Friday the 13th, so so clearly. But yet at the same time, I can hardly remember a life without you in our hearts and lives.
Today we celebrate the beautiful little lady that you are – our text book child from the start. You were an angel baby, a confident and bubbly little toddler and now maturing into a wise, responsible, caring, trustworthy and very competent little girl. We are so proud of the way you love and serve Jesus, crave quality time with your family, protect your little sisters, make all your friends feel so special, take pride in your school work, responsible, reliable and street wise in all that you do and the decisions you make, and your high capacity to try new things, new activities and new sports and the way you give it your all – your extra mural schedule is tiring to look at but you love it all.
You and I share a very special bond my Soph – you are my little mini me and it’s quite uncanny that we share so much. From looks and mannerisms, strength and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and personality traits. Your green eyes and husky voice are the few things that set us apart. I only ever dreamed of a bond like this and it is something I value and cherish every day – may it last forever.
Today we celebrate you in the most wonderful yet very different way – at home, just the five of us, in a nationwide lockdown. But this hasn’t bothered you and you have been just as excited counting down the sleeps! Grateful we got to prepare ourselves before lockdown and still spoil you with gifts and treats this morning – and we promise to make your day even more special with those that love you the most.
We love you more than all the sand in the sea.
Love Mama x