Now that you have seen SJ’s 4th birthday posts (a whole year later!), it’s time to get EN’s 2nd birthday posts in before her 3rd birthday in a few weeks time…
Most two year olds are oblivious to parties and themes – they just want sugar and play time. Very easy to please! But with her love for donuts (our Sunday morning treat at church!), EN’s 2nd birthday party theme was an easy choice… Donuts.
The cutest theme, with so many creative ideas and fun ways to decorate and nothing tastier than donuts, donuts and more donuts…
EN 1st birthday moodboard
Oh my word everything about this is so cute. I have a few months before I have to plan Matteo’s 1st birthday and this gave me some ideas because my lil man sure loves food.
Meg | The Blog
Instagram: MeghanSSilva
So exciting – I loved planning the girls 1st birthdays! The party posts are coming soon so stay tuned x