Dear Sophie Jade,
It is quite a surreal feeling thinking that five whole years ago, you made me a mama for the very first time. Five years ago, the most perfect little cherub was placed in my arms and stole a very big piece of my heart. You arrived into this world with barely a peep, and you have been a textbook baby, toddler and now little girl ever since. I like to think that we have devoured and cherished every easy step of the way with you my love, because we never really knew how good we had it.
From a very young age, you have wowed and impressed us with your wisdom and maturity beyond your years. You are brave and confident and have no difficulty in approaching and engaging with people of all ages and walks of life. It amazes me how you can sit doting over a tiny baby one minute and then spark a conversation about where meat comes from and the intricacies of breastfeeding with an adult the next. You amaze and delight everyone you meet and we are so proud of the compliments that come our way – from family members, school parents, teachers and even complete strangers – you really leave your mark with everyone you meet.
You have the kindest heart my big girl – your ability to celebrate someone else’s achievement with a keen smile and genuine joy for them, and protect and support them with they are down or experience difficulty or failure is beyond belief. For a little girl that spent two years being the first born, the only grandchild and niece and the first baby in our group of close friends, you were showered with love and attention and we expected you to be completely put out and jealous when your little sister, EN came along. But instead you welcomed her with open arms and a loving heart and you smile and admire her successes and feel her heartache and pain when she fails. You are remarkable.
You are beautiful my child, both inside and out. You have eyes that twinkle and a smile that lights up a room, a gruff voice that is adored and a cheeky but infectious laugh that comes from your core. Your chubby cheeks and little button nose stole my heart from the day we saw you on our 4d scan and I have spent five years nibbling on them. You are one lucky girl to have the beautiful long, straight and naturally streaked hair that you do – even if you often wish that it was short or curly. Your eyes are the window to your soul – they light up with your smile and they are sad when you are upset. They tell such a story and we are fascinated that they are green – in a family dominated by blue eyes.
You love to dance and sing and perform sweet girl, and you are pretty good at humming a tune and making up well choreographed performances and productions. You love music and acting and putting on a show – possibly destined for stage?! You are creative, and arts and crafts keep you occupied for hours. You love to draw, paint, cut, stick and put beautiful cards and pictures together. Your artwork is admirable and you are so interested in how colors mix and how to create textures on a page. You also love to read – you enjoy a good book, preferably about girl characters or princesses and always with a happy ending. I cannot wait to encourage your reading, continue to read with you and to you and then listen to you navigate a page of words yourself one day.
You enjoy being outside and you swim like a fish, This past Summer has been a dream to watch you in the water – playing and learning and being water safe. You are always trying something new in the pool and you are now swimming a full length of our home pool and have mastered a dive (no more belly flops!) As much as you don’t favor ball sports, you love to run free and ride your scooter at a scary pace, and being on the grass or beach keeps you calm and outside for ages. You love gymnastics and we are amazed at how strong your core is – you are so flexible and strong and we love watching you roll around, swing from the monkey bars or do a cartwheel.
You are my mini-me my Soph, and a real little mama’s girl. You look like me, you act like me and we have an endless list of the same interests. I see me as a little girl and I am so excited for the path and journey that you have ahead of you. I cannot wait for a lifetime of mommy/daughter dates, pamper sessions, getaways and late night chats. I hope that you always want to be a teacher, party planner and mommy like I am – and I look forward to helping you grow and develop these strengths of yours and working on the weaknesses too (I know them all too well). I pray that I can always be a role model to you, someone you admire, respect and look up to and also your confidante that you can come to and talk to about everything in life.
We are best friends, you and I and I am beyond proud and blessed to have been chosen to be your mama. I love you to the moon and back.
Love Mommy x
Happy birthday to your little darling and congrats to you, mama. X
Thank you lovely x