Wedding Wednesday: Long Distance

06 February 2013|

Yay for hump day.
You do know that Wednesday is hump day right?
I also hope you know that the reference to hump is the ‘hump of the week’ as in the middle of the week (hump doesn’t mean anything else!!)
Wednesday means… Wedding Wednesday
So you know how we met.
Now a little about our relationship. 
Our long distance relationship.
(Our story, as told to Alison from Long Distance Loving in 2011) 
When did you start dating? We started dating in September 2006 (the 26th to be exact!). Our relationship began after having a ‘virtual’ relationship via text and email for 3 months. It is amazing how getting to know each other via lengthy emails and sweet text messages makes such a difference. It sealed the deal before we even spent time in person! This virtual relationship allowed our first date to be that much easier. It all happened a few days after Marc arrived back in the country–and that long awaited kiss was worth the wait!
At what point did you begin dating long distance? Not counting our β€˜virtual’ relationship, we dated for six months in the same country before our long distance started again. For four years, we dated long distance between South Africa and the United Kingdom, with swaps along the way.

How did you fill your days when you were apart? I threw myself into my career most of the time–working late nights, early mornings and most weekends, but I also had a great support structure in my friends, family and in-laws. I spent plenty of nights with my special girlfriends, enjoying movies, dinners, picnics, disco dancing and lots more.
What do you find most difficult about being long distance? The intense feelings of heartache! There is nothing worse than the physical pain of missing someone and wanting to be with them so badly. I found it horrible to attend functions and events alone. You crave everyday normality, like watching movies, going for a run, cooking dinner, or washing dishes. It was so difficult trying to argue or work on issues over the phone, skype or texts. There truly was nothing worse than not being able to give Marc a big tight squeeze!
What do you enjoy most about the time you have together? Absolutely everything! We appreciate every moment spend together and we make the most of it. These days, we hate being apart–even day apart is heartbreaking. Above all, I think our best moments are waking up and going to bed at night together.
What sacrifices have you made in order to make things work? Even though we sacrificed four years of being in each other’s company, we made a pact in the beginning that we would only make decisions as individuals until the day we got engaged. As difficult as this was at times, we both agree it was definitely the best promise we made. We now know we will never have any regrets or resent each other for any reason. In the end, getting married made us realize every second apart was worth the wait to finally being together!
How has your life changed now that you’re in the same place? Life is just so good! We have only been in the same place for a year now, but we have loved and cherished every moment.


  1. I am seriously impressed at the length of time you spent apart- I have been in two long distance relationships, and neither lasted longer than a year, so bravo to you both! x

  2. You two are so adorable! And I'm really impressed at your story as well. I know how difficult a long distance relationship can be, but it obviously made you two stronger as individuals and as a couple πŸ™‚ Thanks for linking up this week! xoxo

  3. This post gives me hope. Having been in a long distance for well over a year now you see so many stories about people breaking up over the distance. But then some people end up married. Please let that be me!

  4. oh man, it's so hard! I loved writing my piece for {av} because putting it into words – rather than just feelings in my head/heart – actually helped me process the distance, you know? thrilled you're together now πŸ™‚

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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