And just like that, birthday month has come and gone and we are nearly halfway through September… and I’m on the final slope to forty!
A recap of August Goals:
CELEBRATE because tomorrow is not a promise!Such a happy birthday month!Intentional date night with my MCWe managed two in this crazy month.A fun and exciting bookclub photo shootCannot wait to share, adore these girls!Enjoy a long weekend at homeWe had the beauty of two of these – just the 7 of us with no social engagements or sports eventsMove my bodyLoving my boxing but I need to do more- Drink more water (flip I suck at this so much!)
- Progress on my painting
Get up to date with my book reviewsYou can read the first few here, here and hereCheer our girls on at their athletics and sports daysSo proud of these girls!Watch LOTS of hockey!We have watched so much and we love it because they love it!Visit our girls special art pieces at the exhibitionSo cute and so proudCheer on my soul sister as she makes a bold and big moveA work in progress and I couldn’t be prouder!Celebrate my birthday – last one in my thirties!So much fun and so grateful for another year!Attend the magical Linc Sisterhood Awakening ConferenceAn incredible weekend with Jesus and our SisterhoodDance away at one of my fave local artists concertsAn afternoon of fun in the sun for extended birthday celebrations
September Goals
- Welcome Spring with open arms
- Book a self care getaway
- Enjoy more walking
- Cheer on SJ at her first PPL waterpolo tournament
- Host our school golf day
- Keep our girls sane through their academic assessments
- Cheer on SJ at her second DPL hockey tournament
- Catch up the 2023/2024 party blog posts
- Start thinking of ideas for the twins ‘big boy’ room
- Start planning the twins 2nd birthday party
- Break up day and spring holidays
- Family pizza and games Friday night
- Cheer SJ and EN on at the PSI indoor hockey tournament
- Celebrate a special friends 40th birthday
What are your goals this month – big or small? Please share them with me.
Image from Elevae Visuals