“I don’t want other people to decide who I am, I want to decide that for myself.” – Emma Watson
Our seventh Amazing Woman is:
Keratilwe Bontle Mphafudi – mom of 3 boys, homeschooler, blogger and real estate agent
Bio: I am a mom to 3 boys who are about 3 years apart but I am more than just a mom. I work as a real estate agent, a home school teacher to my kids, a blogger/social medial marketer and a full time house keeper. I used to be a performer (ballet, contemporary, tap, jazz, Spanish and and African dancing) until I I was 26 yrs old and had my first son. I also used to own an online store with baby and kids products but it didn’t work out very well over time, financially so I closed shop.
Fave colour: My favourite colour is blue, since it’s very calming for me but black is also right at the top of the list. 90% of my wardrobe is black.
Fave food: I love a good pepper crusted (lots of pepper) medium rare fillet steak with a good cabernet sauvignon.
Fave song and movie: My favourite movie is Pretty Woman and I would say the sound track is also my favourite.
Fave travel destination: Can I have a favourite travel destination without having been there before? *Laughing* If yes, then I would have to say Senova Jani in the Maldives. I have watched countless videos of this place and I am working on vacationing there one day.
Two things you have loved about lockdown: I love that my husband is home everyday in time for a family dinner so we dine everyday as family to enjoy our meals and have meaningful conversations with the kids.
Two things you have disliked about lockdown: My kids cannot see their extended family and friends at will or participate in extra-mural activities. We are house bound most days and we are actually a very social family that enjoys entertaining and exploring the outdoors. And I am hating the weight gain/eating whenever I get bored.
Name 3 women who have empowered or influenced you: My oldest sister who is 12 yrs older than me has been a great influence in my life. She is a woman in construction who owns her own building company. She builds dreamy homes and stands tall and strong in male dominated industry. She is fierce, beautiful (inside and out) and one of my best friends. My mother is also another strong influence in my life. She has taught me that with hard work and perserverance anything in possible.
Why you started home school and two homeschooling tips for other mamas: We had our kids attend private schools that would feed into the main school since they were babies and it worked out very well for a while but with time, we realized that our oldest son needed more stimulation and a faster pace than the school was offering. We decided to home school them for a year and see how it goes. Honestly speaking, it also just made better financial sense. We were paying exorbitant fees for kids who were not even in primary school just yet.
My home school tip would be: That do not try to recreate mainstream school at home. It is home school after all. Do it your way, in a way that best fits your family. I would also say that if you are using a syllabus and it does not work for your kids, change it. Even if you have spent money purchasing it.

She’s beautiful. I follow her on instagram, beautiful lady n beautiful family.
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Absolutely! Such a special soul.