Cuppa for Cansa 2019

04 November 2019|

What better way to end off the pink month of October than with another pink post…

A few years ago, I read about a great Cuppa for Cansa initiative – to host or attend a Cuppa for Cansa tea. In 2015, I hosted a Cuppa for Cansa tea at our home and won a Le Creuset voucher for submitting photographs of the tea. It was a fun morning, we all dressed in pink, had a great cuppa and a catch up and all donated to a wonderful cause.

My plan then was to host a Cuppa for Cansa tea every year. Unfortunately, the following year I was man down during ZB’s pregnancy and I just never hopped on the wagon again. Until this year.

I received a Cuppa for Cansa email highlighting that this years “theme” was to host or attend a tea and get a Cancer survivor involved. And I didn’t have to think twice… I contacted the Cuppa for Cansa team, sent out invites and chatted to a friend of a friend who has walked a very challenging journey through breast cancer.

What a special morning we had – all dressed in our pink, listening to Karen tell her personal story and give us basic tops and tricks on checking for lumps, going for regular check ups and small steps we can take each day to avoid this deadly disease. We chatted, we drank tea and bubbly, ate delicious treats and managed to donate an amazing amount of R2000 to the Cuppa for Cansa foundation.

Thank you to these amazing people for their love, support and contribution to making this is a fun morning out:

Karen Jackson – for sharing her brave story, making the topic of Cancer something we can all chat about easily and for making us laugh when we could’ve cried.

The Cuppa for Cansa team for being so accommodating, coming to enlighten us on all that they do for Cancer patients and their families, and for being so generous of their time and hearts for those in need.

Wilma Towell for taking all our gorgeous photos and for taking the time out of her schedule to be with us and take these photos as a gift and her donation as her family has directly been affected by Cancer.

Kim from Suburban Cafe for the delicious breakfast snacks.

Cakelab for the cake, carrot cake and sweet treats that all matched the theme and were heavenly delicious.

My talented friend Gen from Artful Biscuit Co made our special Cancer ribbon biscuits for each guest.

Kerryn from Arty Party for all our pretty pink stationery.

Nicky from Buttons & Blooms for the prettiest pink flowers and our floral garland backdrop.

All my beautiful friends that found the time in their busy schedules to spend the morning together, supporting an incredible cause and making such generous donations. I am truly blessed with the most incredible women in my life and as Karen mentioned, it takes a village and these beautiful ladies are a part of my village.

Have you attended or hosted a Cuppa for Cansa tea? Save the date for next year.


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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