Title: The Mother-In-Law
Author: Sally Hepworth
Genre: Domestic Suspense
Main Characters:
- Lucy – daughter-in-law
- Diana – mother-in-law
- Oliver – Lucy’s husband
Someone once told me that you have two families in life – the one you are born into and the one you choose. Yes, you may get to choose your partner, but you don’t choose your mother-in-law. The cackling mercenaries of fate determine it all.
From the moment Lucy met Diana, she was kept at arm’s length. Diana is exquisitely polite, but Lucy knows, even after marrying Oliver, that they’ll never have the closeness she’d been hoping for.
But who could fault Diana? She was a pilar of the community, an advocate for social justice, the matriarch of a loving family. Lucy had wanted so much to please her new mother-in-law.
That was ten years ago. now, Diana has been found dead, leaving a suicide note. But the autopsy reveals evidence of suffocation. And everyone in the family is hiding something…
I absolutely loved it! It came highly recommended from some of my favourite online bookclubs and bloggers and it didn’t disappoint – so easy to identify with all the characters and what they are going through emotionally (although not the mother and daughter-in-law relationship because I hit the jackpot with my amazing MIL and we share a very special bond). And I totally didn’t see the twist coming at the end..
Have you read it? What did you think?
Any other good book recommendations?
Thanks for the recommendation.
Candice x
It’s a goodie my friend. Thinking of you and your healing heart x
Oooh – this is going on my list! Thank you!
It’s a goodie!! x