We are busy playing catch up on our Powersheets and goals for the year and so for the first time this year, and on the 18th of the month – I present to you:
April Goals
Enjoy quality family time in Mauritius
Settle back into the 2nd school term
Cardiologist appointment for my chronic pain
Visit special friends in town from overseas
Organize and host our school Matric Dance function
Get back to blogging
Celebrate SJ’s 7th birthday
Visit our dermatologist for our annual appointment
Decorate an Easter bonnet with EN
Walk on the promenade
Host an Easter egg hunt with friends
Celebrate Easter lunch with family
Teach the girls about the Story of Easter
Celebrate our special au pair’s birthday
Practice self love
Attend the incredible Hillsong Colour Conference in Cape Town
Celebrate a special little boys 1st birthday and dedication
April is a busy month but an exciting month for our friends and family – but also a change in our busy season into a season of re-fresh and re-newal.
Happy April. What are your goals this month?
Goodluck with your April goals!
Candice x
Thank you so much, lovely x
Caley! I hope April has been a beautiful and productive month for you. You have such intentional and fun things on your goal list. Looking forward to how May will transpire on your side of the world! Xoxo
Aw thank you my Rhi – enjoy your seaside break with your boys x