Title: The Other Woman
Author: Laura Wilson
Genre: Suspense
Main Characters:
- Sophie – lead female
- Leo – Sophie’s husband
- Jessica – The Other Woman
Shortly after Christmas, a message arrives at Sophie’s house, scrawled across her own round robin newsletter, “HE’S GOING TO LEAVE YOU. LETS SEE HOW SMUG YOU ARE THEN YOU, YOU STUPID BI**CH” Perhaps she should ignore it, but she ignored the last one. And the one before that. Now it’s time to take action.
But when a simple plan to identify and confront the other woman goes drastically and violently wrong, Sophie must go to extreme lengths to keep her life and her family together – while never letting on her devastating secret.
Another great suspense and page turner, but I cringed the whole way through. You know when you want to shout “No, don’t do it!!!” on every page. It just goes from bad to worse… Worth the read though!
Have you read it? What did you think?
Any other good book recommendations?