September Goals
Dedicate our ZB to Jesus. We dedicated our baby girl on the most beautiful day with our special family and friends. Post to follow soon.
Busy school month. What a fun time for everyone – so proud of our girls and all they have achieved this term.
Six week eating and training programme. The eating was good but the training not so much. But I’m giving myself the Grace.
Sleep train ZB. She did it from 6pm to 6am… And then she got sick and cut her first tooth!
Read two books. You can read my two reviews – I read
Watch a movie at the cinema. So this is a bit of a cheat because it wasn’t an adult movie, it was a kids movie but I still went…
Enjoy the Spring school holidays. What a busy week with my hubs away on business and three littles at home but we still had lots of fun and made the most of it!
October Goals
Celebrate our Seventh Wedding Anniversary. Seven years of being married to my gorgeous man. I cannot wait to celebrate together with a romantic getaway.
Start a Ladies Bible Study. This has been on my hear for a while and I have been itching to work through Lara Casey’s Cultivate What Matters book as a study.
Spend a weekend in Joburg. I cannot wait to celebrate my besties little girls 1st birthday and spend some quality time with special friends.
Read two books. I am loving the reading at the moment so I plan to keep going with two more.
Watch a movie at the cinema. And this time, definitely an adults movie. An recommendations?
Be creative in business. My little party business, LuluPop is back up and running and I am loving being creative and doing what I love again.
What are your goals for October? I would love to hear them in the comments.
*Thank you Social Squares for the header image*