June Goals

06 June 2017|

Anyone else giggle when on the 1st June everyone says it’s halfway through the year?? When in actual fact, 1st July is halfway… Or do I just notice these small A-type/OCD minor details?!


May Goals.

Set and achieve fitness/weight goals. This is a work in progress and will be for a while. I am trying – being disciplined and staying motivated is hard for me but the tape measure and scale have budged this month so it’s a start…

Maintain my morning routine. This past month was a little disruptive but I am proud that I keep making this time a priority!

Celebrate EN’s birthday. We had so much fun!!! Birthdays and celebrations are just my best!

Celebrate Mother’s Day. We shared a very special day with our moms and I was spoilt rotten all day!

Complete Powersheets goals. Why is this so hard for me to complete? But giving myself grace, I will do it this month!

June Goals

Enjoy special family time. We are away every weekend this month – either as a couple to celebrate weddings or as a family with friends or just on our own as a family five. I cannot wait for the time to relax and fee together, making memories.

Celebrate Father’s Day. There is no person I like to celebrate more than my gorgeous husband and the Daddy that he is to our girls. We make an extra fuss on this day but we celebrate him EVERY DAY.

Run. It is no secret that I have always hated running but since getting back into exercise after ZB’s birth, I have been running quite a bit and actually maybe even enjoying it. I would love to keep the running up and trying to improve my fitness.

Make time for me. Two things I am passionate about are being creative and writing. I really want to keep blogging and writing, and slowly working on my creative party designs for LuluPop this month.

Read Cultivate What Matters. I have been lucky enough to be a part of the Cultivate What Matters book launch team and have already received my digital copy. I cannot wait to get started and then finish up when my hard copy arrives.

What are your goals for June? I would love to hear them in the comments.


*Image from the talented Micaela De Freitas*

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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