Month 2:
Weight: 5.09kgs
Height: 53cm
Clothing size: 0-3 months
Diaper size: We have just moved to size 2.
Feeding: Unfortunately, my breastmilk decreased and then dried up this month so we are now on exclusively formula. Bottles are now 180mls but on average, she will drink 120-150mls. We are following a daily schedule of 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm and demand feeding at night.
Sleep: We are in a good routine now with going down at 6.30pm after her bath, waking between 1-2am and then again between 4-5am to feed. She sleeps in between feeds during the day, but now also awake a little more for some play time.
Milestones: She has started focusing her eyes and follows objects, she responds to noise and our voices. She has just started smiling and coo-ing – the cutest!
Loves: She loves being cuddled and held, her mommy and daddy’s voices, and her bath and Sprogipad bath pillow.
Dislikes: Vaccinations – she absolutely hated her 6-8 week vaccinations! She screamed for hours afterwards and was very hard to settle – it broke mommy’s heart!
Adventures: You went to another wedding in the Midlands for the night with Mommy and Daddy, you celebrated your big sisters 3rd birthday, you’ve been to church and even your first Sharks rugby game.
Mommy & Daddy could not live without: Your two big sisters. You are already so loved and adored by these two precious souls. They always want to know where you are and how you have been when they are at school, they want to kiss and cuddle you when they are home and they are always so willing to help bath you, feed you and change you. They have been so comfortable and accommodating with having you home and fitting into the family – always so happy and gentle with you. We are so proud of them and cannot wait to see the bond the three of you share.
See ZB’s Month 1 here
See SJ’s Month 2 here.
See EN’s Month here.
*Monthly pictures taken by the very talented Bron from Vanilla Photography*
Goodness she is adorable! I think 2-4 months is one of my favorite times because they are more aware & alert, but still in that tiny little infant stage. Enjoy!
I couldn’t agree more – and the little smiles are killing me! x