Happy Birthday MC

10 February 2017| ,

Dear MC,

Today, you turn 35. 35 years young, even though you think you are getting old and we always joke that you are almost 40 which is OLD! How lucky am I that this is the 11th birthday that I get to celebrate with you? Eleven years of birthdays that we celebrated as love struck students, celebrated from afar during our long distance years, as a giddy engaged couple, as adoring newlyweds, as excited new parents and now as forever partners.

As I sit and think back to all your birthdays, I am flooded with special memories of birthday drinks on a nite club dance floor, candlelit dinners and breakfasts in bed, sending birthday balloons and cupcakes to your university dorm room, a surprise 30th birthday party (that you hated!), early morning baby girl cuddles and home made cake/cheesecake traditions and endless gifts that you never want or need.

You aren’t a big birthday person but you entertain it all for me, and now for our girls – because we all go CRAZY over birthdays and milestones. And so today, as we wake you up with balloons and homemade cards, candles on a cake and more presents – we celebrate you and all that you are to us. Today is the day that we can shout to the world how wonderful you are and how much we love and adore you. Can you imagine your birthday next year (and every other year after that) with a wife and three daughters… You are one LUCKY man!

And now 35 things we love about you…

I love your faithful heart and love for Jesus

I love the way you think I chased you in the beginning of our relationship

I love your tiny scar on your eyelid, next to your mouth and the new one on your chin

I love the way that everyone who knows you, respects and admires you

I love the way I get to drool over your six pack abs

I love the way I enjoy watching sport with you, live and on TV

I love the way that no amount of travel or visit to strange countries gets you down

I love your sensitivity and the way you cry in movies and adverts

I love your ambition and passion for even the most impossible work task

I love your crazy dance moves when you are having fun

I love the way you draw castles and princess pictures at work for SJ

I love the way you smile with your eyes

I love the way we so easily agreed on children’s names, every time

I love that you are my best friend and I talk to you about everything, before anyone

I love that I have never heard a bad word spoken about you

I love the way you can plait and braid SJ’s hair

I love the way you keep the house quiet on weekends so I can sleep in and rest

I love the way that you are talented at absolutely EVERYTHING

I love the way you always notice new clothes, colored hair or new nail polish on me

I love the way EN only has eyes for her Daddy

I love the way you will go out in the middle of the night to buy me ice-cream

I love that no amount of shopping at Lilly Pulitzer is too much

I love the gorgeous cowboy in you that loves all things Texas and country music

I love the way you can eat a whole slab of chocolate, even though you hate to eat sugar

I love the way you now enjoy beach holidays because I do

I love the way you love everything I love (clothing, decor, plans and ideas)

I love the way you put your protective arm across me when we are driving

I love the way you whisper sweet nothings to your babies in the womb

I love that you don’t have a hairy chest

I love that you are scared of heights and rollercoasters

I love the way you think I am beautiful (even first thing in the morning and at 9 months pregnant)

I love the way you listen to me and respect my views, even though you are wiser and more educated

I love the look in your eye and relaxed feel of your body when you are in the African bush

I love that you were nicknamed after a baby gosling

I love that I get to spend our forever with you and that our love story is the best

Happy birthday my love



  1. Caley – This is just the sweetest thing in the whole world. I have long admired your family and the relationship you and your MC have and also your girls. It is for sure something beautiful. I hope you all have the best day celebrating. XO, Ashley

    1. Aw Ash, thank you so much my sweet friend. We had a wonderful day and evening of celebrations! I have missed you friend – how are you? x

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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