February Goals

06 February 2017|

It is pretty mind-blowing that January has come and gone already, and we are six days in February already… Did we not just pop the champers on NYE?! In true crazy-start-to-the-year fashion, I completely skipped setting or achieving any goals in January and am now using February as the new start to my year… *and the irony of my word for the year being DISCIPLINE*

February Goals

Keep baking Baby Girl. After two pre-term labour scares and a whole lot of pain, I am now on mild bed rest to try and get some rest and be off my feet. This isn’t easy when you run a home, have two energetic toddlers with a busy school and social calendar and a traveling husband but we are trying… And I have called in my ‘village’ to help. With a due date of 5th April, I had always expected a March baby (especially because it is a c-section) but never quite expected the possibility of a February baby. So March it will be…

Establish a good morning routine. Mild bed rest allows me to be still and calm down, and not be rushing around all day. I could think of no better time to establish a good morning routine – especially before a little newborn takes over this precious time. I need to make the time for a good cuppa, self-reflection and quiet time with Jesus.

Celebrate the month of Love. February is a very special month for us – Valentines Day, MC’s birthday and the birthdays of three of my closest mom friends. It also means a very busy social calendar which I am going to have to be selective with to prevent tiring myself out. I cannot wait to spoil my love and my littles for Valentine’s Day and celebrate MC being another year older.

Complete Powersheets goals. I am loving Lara Casey’s Powersheets but I haven’t got very far in mine – just the first bit of prepping. I am excited to get stuck into the actual goal pages and then get working on my goals day by day.

Prepare for Baby Girl. This is fun and exciting and I cannot wait for this preparation – celebrating her shower, completing her nursery, taking maternity pictures, packing hospital bags and cupboards and being prepared for her arrival.

Plan birthday parties. Babies are not something you can ever plan – so  didn’t have much to do with the fact that my three daughters will celebrate their birthdays in three consecutive months (March, April and May). Needless to say, the party planner in me will never let my older girls go without ‘just because mama is having a baby’ so I am in party planning mode for SJ’s 5th birthday and EN’s 3rd birthday.

And I think that is more than enough for one month. What are your February goals?


*February wallpaper from Ashlee Proffitt*


  1. Having been on bed rest myself, I suggest to have fewer goals and rather concentrate on the bed rest. Your goals sound pretty active to me and we probably all agree that goal nr 1 is the most important!

    1. Thank you so much Kerstin, I couldn’t agree more! Lucky for me, the other goals can all be done from the comfort of my bed… But number 1 is my only priority this month (and hopefully next month too!)

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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