There are some new faces around here and some faithful oldies – but everyone loves a post with some All About Me facts!
(Thank you Peanut Butter Runner and A Healthy Slice of Life for the inspiration)
1. What brings you the greatest joy? Jesus, my gorgeous husband, precious baby girls and waking up each morning, So grateful for the life I get to live. But I won’t lie – chocolate, champagne, sleeping in and the beach bring joy too!
2. What are your vices? Tea, chocolate and a full body massage.
3. What is on your nightstand? My phone, my charger, a clock, my Bible, my current book, my glasses, foot cream and lip balm.
4. Do you have a secret talent? I wish I could say yes but sadly, no.
5. What is your greatest indulgence? My car. It is my dream car and was only supposed to ever be mine, one day when I was big but after my last car exploded in our garage – our upgrade came sooner!
6. What should everyone try at least once in their lifetime? Travel. There is nothing better than packing for a holiday adventure – the great excitement, the packing, the stamp in your passport and the lifetime of memories. Having children – there is no greater gift in life than that of a child (your own flesh and blood or not). Raising a child brings the greatest love and joy into your lives.
7. What makes you laugh? My husband, the characters of our two baby girls and a variety of YouTube videos.
8. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? I wear contact lenses – and have done since I was 12 years old.
9. What is on your bucket list? Riding in a hot air balloon, being married for 50 years, taking my kids to Disneyland, having a third child, a second honeymoon in the Maldives, watching my girls get married, completing a mini triathlon, swimming with the pigs in the Bahamas and reaching pre-pregnancy goal weight one day.
10. What is on your feet right now? White converse trainers.
11. How did you make your first Dollar/Rand? I did promotions for the Touchline Media sports magazines – Men’s Health, Sports Illustrated, Shape, Golf Digest etc.
12. What superstition do you believe in? Never walk under a ladder and do not open umbrellas inside.
13. What items in your closet do you wear the most? Jeans, Converse, swimsuits and my pjs.
14. What is the best gift you have ever received? The gift of love. I grew up not feeling very loveable (that sounds very Ben Higgins from The Bachelor) but it is true. Being loved by MC has been the greatest gift in life, and one I am eternally grateful.
My Tagheuer watch for my 30th birthday is also pretty cool…
15. What is on your liquor shelf? Gin, Vodka, Champagne, Amaretto and wine.
16. What is on your kitchen counter? Appliances, flowers, decor, vitamins and rusks/treats.
17. What would you never leave home without? My phone, my purse, my brush and lipgloss.
Why not comment with these three answers from YOU!
What makes you laugh?
What is the best gift you have ever received?
What should everyone try at least once in their lifetime?
*Thank you Shay Cochrane for the gorgeous Valentines image*
So so happy to see one of my fav bloggers going at it again. Great “get to know you” list. Good luck with the last bit of the pregnancy. You look so good!!
X kammi
YAY!! Thank you lovely, you are too kind and always so appreciate of your support. When is the big move? x
Sorry for the late reply … The big move was on 31 January. We have been in NZ for 21 days now. Moved into our home, living the minimalist life, as the container is still sailing. Let me tell you, minimalist-ing is not for me 🙂 It has been wonderful though and we feel so happy lucky and blessed to be here. Beaches for days … and we are embracing it all. xx
Ah, I loved reading through this post! For the record, I think your secret talent is making people feel good about themselves, and serving as inspiration… whether it’s inspiration to be a better wife and mom, inspiration for my next party, or home inspiration, your posts always inspire me. Thank you for that! Also loved the little Ben Higgins reference there! 😉
My answers:
What makes you laugh? My husband and our gorgeous little boy. He has the BEST sense of humour (he gets it from his dad), and not a day goes by that he doesn’t make me laugh. So, so precious!
What is the best gift you have ever received? Definitely my Noah… I’ve always wanted to be a mom and ever since the moment things started to get serious between my husband and I, I started begging for a baby! Seeing those two lines on that pregnancy test was the happiest moment of my life… until the day he was born, of course! (And the day we got married, obviously!) Also, the gift of my four brothers… I am so, so grateful for the close bonds we all have, and for the presence of each and every single one in my life. They add so much love and joy to my life!
What should everyone try at least once in their lifetime? I 100% agree with you, Cals – travelling is so, so important. One of my biggest goals for 2017 is to travel more… just exploring SA is enough for me, but I’d love to go to Ireland and Scotland at some point too. Oh, and I could always do with another trip to Mauritius! Oooh, and Tanzania and Kenya again!
Thank you Che, you are too kind my friend but so special that we can all draw inspiration from each other!
I just love your answers and your warm heart and kind nature show through these too… Is there anything better than a child’s laughter? I did not know you had four brothers – wow!! Local travels are simply amazing, we are so blessed here in SA!
Love you gorgeous friend x
“being married for 50 years” LOVE THIS x
Just got to make it to 75 years old now 🙂
chocolate, champagne, sleeping in and the beach! Yes and yes!!
How magical does it all sound?? Thanks for stopping by lovely – your blog header has just brightened up my day! Love it! x
I just adore you friend! I loved learning a little bit more about you! I can’t wait for you to share your love of travel with your sweet girls so that Adilynn and I can meet all 3 of them. 🙂
YAY!! Me too – would be so so special x