Book Club Christmas Dinner 2015

16 December 2015| ,

It is no secret that I love my friends, I love hosting parties and I love socialising so the end of year festive season and parties are my favourite time of year. After hosting our Moms Group Christmas Dinner, I got to do it all over again this week with our annual:
BookClub Christmas Dinner
Our bookclub started in January 2011 – I wanted to join a fun group of girls to read and enjoy a monthly catch up. The books lasted a year but the wine will last forever – and we have never missed a month or given up, and our bookclub is going strong! We have shared so many tears and laughter, special and sad moments from break ups, retrenchments, infertility, divorce to happy moments of engagements, weddings, new homes, new jobs and new families and babies. I truly love these girls and I look forward to bookclub every month.

Are you a part of a book club?


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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