Five on Friday

13 November 2015|

I don’t know which is more difficult to believe – that it is Friday already or that it has already been two weeks since we were in Texas! Time really does fly during the festive season! I am linking up with Christina Five on Friday with and Oh Hey Friday with Karli today.


1. Houston. I am a real homebody and very loyal to my home town but Houston is one place that I could move to. I love the people, the landscape, the climate, the stores, the food, the shopping, the creative outlets and so much more…

2. Blates. I was lucky enough to meet up with these three beautiful ladies: Mexican and long catch up with and her sweet little man, Luke. Oyster Bar lunch, sprinkles cupcakes and outdoor shopping with and her gorgeous little munchkin Paisley. And more Mexican and a catch up that I wished never had to end with my sweetest girl .I cannot explain how grateful I am for this blogging community bringing me close to these lovely ladies.

3. Food. American food is delicious. I have a major obsession with the wonder world of Whole Foods, a delicious froyo from Pinkberry and all things Mexican!

4. Time out and quality time. This year has been nothing short of crazy for MC and I and our family – from illness to trauma, chaos and travel, we have been worn thin. I am so lucky to do life with this man – the good and the bad but this trip was amazing to just be with him. Spend quality time out together, relaxing and rejuvenating.

5. Luke Bryan. Say no more. MC and I are obsessed with Country/Western music and to see our three favourite men: Luke Bryan Randy Hauser and Dustin Lynch live in concert in San Antonio was one of the best experiences and a serious bucket list moment in my life!

Happy Friday!


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  2. I totally missed the texas trip! You got to meet steph!? That's awesome! I'm blog friend turned real life friend with one her besties erica (they also met through blogging.) Gosh, isn't blogging the best?! I am also in daily wonder of the whole foods. It's like target… go in for bread and come out with $50 of stuff!

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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