Valentines Day 2014

20 February 2014| ,

Our final “love post”, and then an exciting countdown to Valentine’s Day 2015 begins… 🙂

MC and I often do something special for Valentine’s Day – we alternate years to plan our evening and surprise. 2014 was MC’s year to make our plans but I was going to surprise him with a love day breakfast in bed. Unfortunately, he had to be on the red eye flight to Johannesburg for a meeting and so I woke up to an empty bed but the promise of a special evening together. 

Lucky for me, I had my little SJ at home with me for the day so I was able to spend the day with my other “love”. 

We had a fun afternoon baking heart shaped biscuits to enjoy, as well as package for her school teacher. And we made up sweet little ” love bugs” for her classmates.

I was like a child waiting for my gorgeous husband to get home and when he did, he walked through the door with a delicious sushi dinner and my surprise roses and gift. I was spoilt rotten with the gold Superga sneakers that were on my Valentine’s Wish List (thanks for reading my blog bub!) and I had sent him a delivery of delicious sweet treats that we enjoyed for dessert. 

A perfect love day with my two special loves.
How did you celebrate Valentine’s Day?


  1. Looks absolutely perfect! And loooove the shoes 🙂 Jurgen and I don't usually do anything too big for V-day since it's squished right in between my birthday and our anniversary, but this year he did bring home flowers and we made a delicious candlelight dinner at home.

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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