8 – 11 Week Bumpdate

20 November 2013| ,

Due to me being so ill, there will be no bump update picture in this post but I promise to get them up and going regularly soon.
Here is my first pregnancy update from the past 3 weeks…

How far along? 8 – 11 weeks.

Baby size: From a large raspberry at 8 weeks to a a plum at 11 weeks.

Weight gain: Unfortunately, I’ve lost 4 – 7 kgs.

Maternity clothes: Nope, for the first time my clothes are now too big. Although I’ve been wearing my pi’s a lot more.

Stretch marks: None (one scar from my pregnancy with SJ)

Sleep: It’s all I seem to do…

Gender: Keeping it a surprise!

Best moment this week: Still excited about finding out that we are pregnant but hard to be getting excited with such sickness.

Looking forward to: The first trimester being over so we can enjoy this pregnancy.

What I miss: Feeling normal and being able to eat.

Movement: Nothing yet.


Anything making you queasy or sick: EVERYTHING!

Labour signs: Not for a long time…

Symptoms: Terrible morning sickness, dehydration and dizziness and fainting. Exhaustion.

Belly button in or out: In

Weddings rings on or off: On

Mood: Desperate – to feel better and get excited.

Nursery: Nothing yet, waiting to move into our new home.

Workouts: Nothing, the gym is the last place I would want to be.

Unfortunately, this first bump date sounds like one moan after the next. It really isn’t meant to be like that but with finding out our exciting news at 6 weeks, getting sick from 7 weeks, being hospitalised twice for dehydration and exhaustion, losing so much weight, not being able to eat and trying to do all this in a foreign place of home, a busy husband and a little toddler hasn’t been easy or fun. But we have faith that it will all get better from 12 weeks, the bump dates can get more exciting and interesting and we can start to enjoy this little miracle that is very clearly cooking up a storm in this oven.


  1. Aww I'm so sorry to hear you've been having such a rough time! I am 16 weeks now, and I was just as sick as you are describing from week 5-week 13. I hated feeling so miserable and not being able to enjoy the pregnancy (it's our first) … that 13th week was wonderful and I feel so much better now! I hope that you get there very very soon mama!!!

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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