Birthday – Weekend

10 September 2013|

My birthday month may be over but I still have one more birthday post to share…
My Birthday Weekend Away

So, I have mentioned many times before that one of my love languages is Gifts.
Sounds shallow and spoilt, but in reality a gift is anything that is given. This includes any size or price range from a flower picked in the garden to sparkling diamonds.

My poor hubs doesn’t share this love language of mine so he has had to try and learn to love me in this way. And over the years, he has done so well. He is a true romantic at heart and always does the sweetest things for me. And this birthday was no exception.

He went all out. And he managed to keep it all a surprise!

Surprise birthday weekend story:
A few weeks before my birthday, MC decided to put together a surprise weekend away for me. He made all the necessary plans and managed to keep a very big secret. On my birthday, my bookclub girls spoilt me with a spa voucher and it was booked for the day after my birthday, Friday. My friend Rox joined me for lunch afterwards. MC had promised to take me for a birthday dinner on the Friday evening as he had been away and we hadn’t spent much time together.

At our lunch, Rox mentioned that MC’s phone wasn’t working and he had called her to say he would fetch me from the lunch and spend the afternoon with me. I waited patiently in the parking lot and he soon collected me and started driving… To who knows where?!

15 minutes later, we arrived at the airport. The airport!!!! Can I please just remind you all that I was fresh from a full body massage, covered in oil, hair in an oily bun, no make up and baggy clothes. I had also not packed for this airport arrival. As I got out the car, I noticed MC remove 2 packed bags from the back of the car. Again, I DID NOT pack this bag!

At the check in counter, I was greeted with an announcement that we were off to our Mother City… Cape Town!! For the whole weekend!!
I was so excited, if not still majorly concerned about the packed bag and overwhelmed at the day and weekend events. But a weekend in Cape Town with my man was just what this birthday girl wanted and needed. It couldn’t get any better…

Except it did. 
Whilst waiting in the airport lounge, in walk our bestest friends (and my bag packer and hubs’ co-conspirator) Roxy and Chad. 
And so began 3 days of laughs, special memories and lots of fun.

Thank you MC for the best surprise and birthday ever.
You played out of your boots x

Off we go… (excuse the post-massage-grease-monkey-look)

Hello Cape Town

The best birthday surprise planner ever!!

House of JC Le Roux – my favorite sparkling wine 
Champagne and meringue/marshmallow tasting


Dinner at The Grand Beach Cafe

View from our hotel room

Our hotel – The Bay Hotel

Special friends forever

Table Mountain and the Waterfront


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About me

I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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