Favourite Posts

31 July 2013|


Thank goodness for these ladies and their blogs this week.
A few of my favourite reads:
One of my most inspirational mamma’s, Becky wrote one of the most genuine 27 on 27 lists on her birthday. You don’t get more real and honest than this.

Change and the unknown is always a scary one, and talented mama Leah shared some BIG NEWS this week – they are moving States and her thoughts on the big move.

Any 20-somethings out there? Questioning what you have done or not done in your life? Julia shares a great article on her blog – a definite must read.

Don’t miss out on the gorgeous and super colourful giveaway with Jen and Emily Ley.

Dark chocolate. Banana. Peanut butter. Healthy, tasty treats. Say no more. Just go and say thank you to Katie for her new recipe.

You are going to LOVE them all. I promise.


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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