1st birthday – Family

31 July 2013| ,


There is nothing more important in life than family.
And there is nothing more important at a party than capturing special moments on camera.

And at SJ’s 1st birthday party, Heather managed to capture such beautiful shots of the birthday girl with everyone in her family.
Everlasting memories…

(All photography by Heather Fitchet)

Our family of 3
Daddy’s little girl

Mommy and her princess

My best!

Special moments
Big family

Grandparents with the one and only grandchild

Fairy godmother – Aunty DD
Aunty DD came all the way from London

Granny T

Nana R
Grandpa Don

Favourite Gogo


  1. Stunning photo's and thank you for the lovely post!!! I could not agree more with you when you said that there is nothing more important in life than Family 🙂 Family is what keeps us grounded, and reminds us to appreciate the small things in life! Much love xxxx

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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