52 Weeks of Blogging with a Purpose

17 June 2013|

One of my favourite mama bloggers, Becky used to run a weekly series called Show & Tell. After having a gorgeous baby boy, she has now started a new blogging series: 
52 Weeks of Blogging with a Purpose

The details, as described by Becky:
“I have made a list of 52 blog topics. With these topics, I will have to shoot a picture that somehow correlates with the weekly theme. This way, not only will it inspire me to blog something weekly, but it will also give me an opportunity to actually get that camera out and be creative with it.
The Show: The picture that goes with the theme.
The Tell: Elaborating on the meaning of the theme. In your words”
Visit her blog, From Mrs To Mama for more information, and this post for the topics for the next 4 months. I can’t wait to get started and enjoy.

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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