What’s for dinner?

18 April 2013|

What’s for dinner?
This question is the pain of my life and I only have to feed one other person at the moment… 
The choices, decisions and flavours are endless, so why is this so difficult? 
Maybe because there is just too much to think of!! I don’t even know where to start… And then you have to shop for the ingredients and find time to prepare it at the right time so it isn’t cold or stodgy by dinner time – tricky with a baba because cooking time is usually BEFORE the dinner/bath/bed routine and eating time is usually AFTER the routine. I’m not a fan of food that has been standing for an hour… My guess that is when SJ can sit down and eat with us, my life will become a little easier. But then again, number 2 might come along – and then we start again! 
Due to these constant questions and decisions, we stick to the same menu and meals, week in and week out! And it starts to get boring… Our weekly menu tends to look a bit like this: 
spaghetti bolognaise
fish and vegetables
roast chicken
chicken fajitas
fillet, veg and sauté potatoes
lamb chops and salad
We often eat out or at friends houses  and we like to braai in the Summer and eat chicken soup in the Winter. And that is as far as our variety goes… Pretty darn boring hey?!
Today, I decided to ask a few friends what they were cooking up for dinner tonight to get some ideas:
Chicken Snitzel and veg
Prawn risotto
Stir fry
Thai curry
Chicken pie
Oxtail stew
You see? Already we have a whole variety of dishes to choose from! And now I have this fabulous idea to keep asking for other families weekly menus and then exchange recipes – time to start making dinner time fun and interesting and super tasty in our house! 

What do you eat each week? 
What are your family favourites? 
What have you eaten this past week?

This past week we ate:
Monday – fillet, sauté potatoes, green beans and butternut.
Tuesday – spaghetti bolognaise 
Wednesday – take away curry for date night
And tonight, I’m attempting a home made red Thai curry… 
Can’t wait to read your ideas 


  1. Mmm, your Monday dinner dish sounds Delish! I am actually thinking about what to eat right now. My problem is that I am always too lazy to start cooking, or thinking of something creative to eat – I pass so many good takeaway places on the way home, too, it's tempting!!

    Thaknks for your sweet message on my birthday! I would love a Blate!!! I gotta come to Australia!!

  2. oooh some yummy ideas here!
    Our menus are pretty similar – we love our red and green curries and when we do Indian curries we make Naan bread – dead easy and delish!
    We've added Chicken a'la King, Tacos, Sausage or Boerewors & mash, burgers (homemade and on a Thursday of course!) Putanesca pasta (I just love the premade sauce from Woolies for lazy cooking but have started making my own pasta) lamb pitas and cottage pie
    We're moving to our winter comfort foods and most meals I plan a lunch item for the following day as we both pack our own lunches.
    Our routine is also set – Thursday nights are burger nights, Friday nights we eat with the family and Sunday lunch is a big braai with the in-laws. Saturdays its either friends, take out or date night.

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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