Our baby is ONE

14 April 2013|

13 April 2012
The day our lives changed forever. For the better.
13 April 2013
The day our baby girl turns ONE.
I cannot believe I am now a mom of a one year old.
I can’t believe I was giving birth a whole year ago already.
I cannot believe how she has changed and developed each day over this past year.
I am going to enjoy, savour and celebrate every second of this precious day.

To our darling birthday girl,

Today, we celebrate your precious life. The little miracle that you are the little being that has grown and matured each hour of this past year. The little person that has been so dependent on us and has brought us never ending love, joy and happiness.

Today we celebrate every breath you take, every smile that brightens up a room, every hug and kiss that melts our hearts, every new find or great exploration you have been on, every heart you have touched and every day you have made brighter.

I cannot believe that you have are a whole 365 days old – a part of me cannot believe how this past year has just flown by but another part feels like you have been around and in our lives forever. I cannot remember life without you or want to imagine you not being around.

You already have such a little personality – you are kind and caring and so social and interactive. You like and love everyone, and the feeling is mutual. You are so loved by all those that know you and so cared for and invited by all those that meet you.

We love the way you wake up with a smile on your face, slit eyes from the light and a wild bed head. 
We love the way you learn and repeat everything that you observe.
We love the way you have always been an angel sleeper, just like your mama.
We love the way you smile and wave and interact with anyone and everyone – there is no discrimination in your eyes.
We love your infectious laugh – from the bottom of your belly.
We love your gorgeous blue eyes – the windows to your sweet soul.
We love your hysterical sense of humour.
We love your interest and curiosity in the world around you.
We love your sweet innocence.
We love the way you love us, recognise us and depend on us.
We love you, and everything about you.

Thank you our darling SJ. Thank you for the sweet angel that you are. Thank you for the unconditional love and sweet innocence that you show. And the friendly, sunny disposition that you possess. We really have been blessed as parents and we know our sweet Jesus is always smiling down on us and loving us. We cannot wait for the next exciting year ahead.

Today, we celebrate YOU.
We love you.
Daddy & Mommy 


  1. This is so beautiful, what a gorgeous open letter to her. She looks SO happy too! You're clearly doing an awesome job with her 🙂 x

  2. Happy birthday baby! I can't believe our little ones are this old. I feel like Mac was born yesterday, and we're almost at the 1 year mark ourselves. Congrats on your first anniversary of being parents! Make sure to celebrate that as well!

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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