Newlywed Game

19 April 2013|

Another week of chuckling at my sweet hubs answers to questions about me.
Another week of learning that he knows more about me than I know about myself.
Another week of linking up with Karla and Veronica.
1. What is your spouse’s top 3 favorite desserts? Do you make any of them?
Ice-cream and chocolate sauce, homemade cheesecake, creme brulee – I make the first two.

Crème Brulee, chocolate fondant and red velvet cake.
2. What are your spouse’s hobbies?
Kettle bell training, golf, cricket, trail running.

Shopping, blogging, tanning (going to the beach), baking savoury and sweet goodies, dreaming about Range rovers and collecting bikinis.
3. What is your spouse’s love language? See information HERE and take the quiz HERE
Physical touch and words of affirmation – complete opposites.

GIFTS… still getting the hang of this one, and quality time. Ours are completely in reverse!!!!!!!!
4. What is your spouse’s go-to music for the car?
Anything Country Western after his trip to Houston.

Roxette or of late, Twinkle Twinkle little Star… it’s SJ’s favourite.
5. What is one of your spouse’s fears?
Failing as a husband, father, son, brother or friend.

Being involved in a car accident.
6. What is on your spouse’s to-do list for the home? 
Finish building and move into our new home!

Build it! 
She also loves her blog and party planning… the next project will be someone’s birthday to plan!
7. What is your favorite date night activity as a couple?
Our latest find – takeaway and champagne on our building site.

Dinner and a movie…though we don’t often make the movie as we get too tired…our days are quite hectic.
8. What was your first impression of your spouse?
Damn, he is fine!!

VERY Positive, I thought how well turned out she was and that her smile was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen!
9. What is your spouse’s dream vacation destination?
The bush – any safari lodge or camp.

Maldives or Bora-Bora.
10. What was your favorite part of your wedding? Something you worked on, looked for, researched…just something you were proud of and glad to have.
Wow, this is a tough one! But the two would be writing our own secret vows to each other and choosing our first dance song.
Our two rings… although mine was stolen along with my car shortly after we said our “I do’s” – it really was such a special moment placing them on each other’s fingers.
Join in the fun next week


  1. I think it's cool that you both had immediate good impressions of each other! It was not that way for my husband and I. But that's not good about his ring getting stolen–and the car too!

  2. I wish my man loved cheesecake! I'd make it all the time, I love making it from scratch and I love eating it but I can't eat it alone..well I could but I shouldn't haha
    haha collecting bikinis! That's awesome. 🙂
    I don't know what kettle bell training is but that sounds cool!
    AH! We have the same love language!
    anything country after houston? haha did he hear it alot there? I'm from there.
    Building your own house?! That sounds awesome!
    sweet answers for 10!

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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