Newlywed Game

07 March 2013|

I don’t know about you, but I love asking MC different questions, asking myself the same questions and comparing our answers…
My first taste of this was at my hens/bachelorette party – my bridesmaids asked MC a list of questions and then at the party asked my the same questions. I had to drink a shooter for every question I got wrong! And the person asking the question had to drink if I got it right! I was pleasantly surprised at how well we knew each other…

Then this past week, we joined in some Couples Q&A fun with Caroline and again, our answers were pretty spot on!
And now today, I have just come across this sweet blog Passion Pink & Pearls and I can’t wait to join in her link up: 
The Newlywed Game.
Here goes round 1… 
(I am a bit late on this one but rather late than never!)
My answers in pink and MC’s answers in blue

1. What advice would you give a friend who found out that he/she is getting married?
Communicate, enjoy and savor every moment and learn each others love language. Communication is key in every marriage – it is so important to be able to express your wants, needs, concerns, emotions etc. Have fun and laugh together!
Find your own path together and never forget how important family is. Don’t listen to the negative talk around marriage – it is an incredible journey. Create memories together and show your kids through your actions that you care and are willing to stay connected and committed. 

2. Do you have a pet name for your spouse?  If so, what is it?

Bub, Christopher, Love


3. What are 3 things that your spouse cannot live without?

Me, Sophie and his cellphone

Hair brush, Coca Cola and Sophie

4. What is your favorite date idea? (something you have or haven’t done)

Every date is magical, I just love spending time with him. I would love to go in a hot air balloon though – it has always been my dream date.

One of the best dates we went on was a dinner to the Oyster Box followed by a private viewing of a movie in the small hotel cinema with fresh popcorn, drinks and sweets under a warm blanket. Any date with just the two of us is the best…

5. Is there a book or movie that reminds you of your marriage with your spouse? If so, which one and why?

Our love story/movie is uniquely ours.

No – but I can’t imagine my life without Cals. We are our own unique book or movie.

6. Rate the very last kiss you had with your spouse.  How was it on a scale of 1-10?

Every kiss is a 10! Although the last was a small peck because of the ulcers in my mouth.

A 10! Every kiss is a 10… Although the last one was soft because she has ulcers in her mouth (shame liefie!)

7. What was the very first thing you noticed about your spouse when you first met?

His package, his smile and his eyes (in that order – read the full story here)

Her smile, then her laugh, then her smile again. Cheeky!

8. What was the very first gift your spouse ever gave you?

Hmmm, sunglasses and a Guess purse (for our first Christmas)

The first gift? This is a tester! A personalized rosary for Christmas.

9. Is there anything you sacrificed when you married your spouse?  If so, what?

Watching my girly TV series…

Many drunken nights at the jol (party) with choms (friends)

10. What would your spouse say is the funniest photo of you? Try & describe the picture, or post it below!

To be honest, I can’t think of one…

The one of me when I was a baby – quote fat, bursting out of my baby grow with a towel nappy and chocolate all over me – at least I hope it was chocolate! (we cannot find a copy!)

Why not join in the fun next week too?



  1. You guys are so darn sweet! Love that you both said your love story is uniquely your and that the best kind of date is any one with just the two of you. Le sigh 🙂


  2. aww you're too sweet, thanks for the compliment. Ps: your blog is precious!

    SO glad yall linked up! The linky tool is up now by the way, so go ahead and link on up! 🙂

    yall have some AWESOME answers for number one! Seriously, spot on.

    yall are too cute! I loved reading your answers! Hope you join in again 🙂

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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