This week was a real test on how well we knew each other and our likes and dislikes. And we did pretty well…
1. What is your spouse’s favorite animal?
I don’t he think he has one favorite, he likes any animals in the wild.
Carnivore – Tiger, Herbivore – Elephant, Domestic – Labrador
Carnivore – Tiger, Herbivore – Elephant, Domestic – Labrador
2. What does your spouse do..what’s their occupation? Explain as much as you possibly can.
He is a Director in an Investment company and a Site Services company.
A wonderful teacher and mother.
A wonderful teacher and mother.
3. What is your spouse’s favorite pro sports team?
This is a tough one – he supports all our local and national teams but his favorite would probably be the West Indies or Zimbabwe cricket team.
Natal Sharks rugby team.
Natal Sharks rugby team.
4. If your spouse could retire anywhere, where would they choose?
A farm in Nottingham Road or a house in the wild bush.
It would definitely be a beach house, the question is where? I think Cape Town in the summer and Durban in the winter as you wouldn’t want to leave South Africa.
It would definitely be a beach house, the question is where? I think Cape Town in the summer and Durban in the winter as you wouldn’t want to leave South Africa.
5. What is something on your spouse’s bucket list?
To have a son, run the Comrades marathon and own a farm.
A hot air balloon ride.
A hot air balloon ride.
6. What is your spouse’s favorite candy or sweet?
Woolworths red shortbread chuckles.
Dairy Milk chocolate or Woolworths chuckles.
Dairy Milk chocolate or Woolworths chuckles.
7. What is something your spouse would love to have in their dream home? Like a specific room they want, etc.
A man cave covered in animal horns and skins with a wood or coal fireplace – and preferable on a farm in the middle of the bush.
An entertainment area which is joined to a serving/prep room.
An entertainment area which is joined to a serving/prep room.
8. If your spouse could only watch one movie over and over for a week, which one would it be?
Any of the James Bond movies.
Dirty Dancing.
Dirty Dancing.
9. Who chose the wedding colors? Your or your spouse? What were they?
I did – champagne and dusty pink.
Cals did – champagne and DUSTY pink.
Cals did – champagne and DUSTY pink.
10. If your spouse could teach a monkey one trick, what would they have it do?
Make him tea and a rusk and bring it to him every morning and every night.
Turn the TV off the sports channel and on to Private Practice, Greys Anatomy, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little liars or Revenge and then swallow the remote!
Turn the TV off the sports channel and on to Private Practice, Greys Anatomy, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little liars or Revenge and then swallow the remote!
Join in the fun and link up too
Oh my goodness! carnivore/herbivore/domestic??! He is too much!
This is such a fun series that you guys are doing… and in the process it's been interesting finding a bit more about your hobbies and interests too! I beach house in Cape Town would definitely be idyllic 🙂
Hahaha… the man cave covered in animal horns and skins! Too funny!
Thank you so much for linking up!! Champagne & Dusty Pink sound so nice for a wedding.
Great choices!! =D
awww his answer to number was precious! So sweet!
hot air balloon is on ours too!
haha your answer to seven for his dream room is amazing, yours is completely necessary to a dream home!
Glad yall linked up 🙂
I love these answers!