Asking for Prayer

23 January 2013| ,

Please pray for this precious little man, Jackson. He is our godson and our special friends bundle of joy.
He is currently in hospital with a bronchial infection and gastroenteritis, and undergoing more tests.

Poor little poppet has had it rough and all the thoughts and prayers for him and his sweet family will be greatly appreciated.

Dear Lord Jesus,
Please keep our little JJ safe and healthy. Please put Your healing hand over him and make him feel strong and happy again soon. Allow the doctors working with him to have the knowledge and logic to get to the bottom of his little infections and treat him in the best way possible.
Please lay Your hand of strength over his special mommy and daddy as they find it difficult to see their little man in pain and to get them through the endless cries, the heartbreaking pain and sleepless nights. 
Let them see Your plan for them and to understand why these things happen to good people. Let them see Your light Lord and to be uplifted in Your faith.
In Jesus name I pray


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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