29 October 2012|

Haha, this made me giggle. 
But at the same time, it is so true!! 

I always thought that I would have all the time in the world, especially to sit back and relax!
Wake up call!!

What do YOU do all day?


  1. My hubby asks me this. "What did you do today? And I use to get upset because yes when came home the house would look relatively the same and I would always ask, " what do you think she does just lie there all day?" But he explained it to me like this, "I cae about your day, how else am I suppose to ask about it?" Just another point of view for ya. 🙂

  2. YEP! I let the hubby take the reigns for one day when I wasn't feeling well a couple weekends ago…. He said Quote, "I will never complain about you not being able to get things done again…." Not as easy as it looks with a little man who has found his way to move about freely! 😉

  3. haha, totally true. While I don't SAH, I give major props to the ones that do. My husband stayed home with our son for 6 weeks after I went back to work, and he said, he didn't think it would be that hard…now he has a different outlook to SAHM or SAHD's and doesn't even blink an eye when I do have a few days off and nothing gets done!

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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