Dear Sexy Bex,
I just want to say thank you for our impromptu lunch today. I cannot explain how much it means to me that you cancelled your previous lunch meetings and work commitments to take one hour our of your hectic schedule to spend it with me. It was a quick and very delicious lunch and I loved every second of my time with you (all to myself!)
One of my love languages is quality time but it isn’t one of yours and this past week, you have gone out of your way to fill my love tank to the brim with fulfilling this love language of mine. We spent a romantic long weekend away together (minus our little poppet which was super difficult but essential for us as a couple), a very interrupted date night and now our spontaneous lunch. Just the thought of making these plans with me makes my heart all warm and fuzzy.
I love you gorgeous man and every day I thank Jesus for putting you in my life.
It was very nice of him.
Love your Cat x
Aw, how sweet!!!!
awww 🙂 Its so great to have a moment during the day and spend it with your hubs 🙂