Fridays Letters…

26 October 2012|

Dear MC… Thank you for all your unconditional love and support (especially this week, it’s been a tough one!) And thank you for the not one but two lunch dates plus date night this week. I feel very lucky.
Dear Sharks… Well done on making the final. Make us proud tomorrow and win!
Dear Junior Masterchef kiddies… Seriously? How can you be 11 and be THAT good in the kitchen? I don’t even know what consommé is… Very sad that Lucy and Nick have been voted out though 🙁
Dear Urban… I am loving your new Summer range colours. The only problem is I had to buy them all – the lime green, the coral and the turquoise!
Dear Christmas through the Home… You definitely didn’t disappoint again this year. Although my husband doesn’t like you much. I am so excited to put all our decorations up.
Dear Grade 7 class… It was good to be back with you kids this week. A great bunch that work hard and have unique personalities. Kids like you make teacher’s jobs worthwhile. I may even miss you.
Dear Chocolate… I am craving you but I will be strong and I will have the willpower to leave you the heck alone. This break up is for real.
Dear Drinks after work… HURRY UP!!


  1. So, I may or may not be eating M&M's, Kit Kat's and Milky Ways by the pound. It's so hard with Halloween being next week. Our office is stocked up on candy.

    Enjoy your weekend, you deserve a little R&R time.


  2. Sorry about the sharks this weekend (but as a WP supporter, I am not too sad)

    Those MasterChef kids are amazing. I am rooting for Isabella.

    Well done on being strong, I am a choc-addict!

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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