Day 01

05 September 2012|

Day 01 – A song from your childhood: Wannabe – Spice Girls

Hahaha, I laughing hysterically while typing this. This song is just one of those songs that will also be a part of my life and my friends lives. As young girls, we all rushed to buy their one and only CD and we played it on repeat for years. We all dressed us as our favourite Spice Girl (I was always Baby Spice for some reason?!) and we turned hairbrushes into microphones and sang to our hearts content. 
The problem is – fast forward a few years (quite a few) and this album and the song “Wannabe” in particular is now booming through speakers while my girl-friends and I get ready for our nights on the town during out university days…
It’s amazing how even a whole decade later, we still pick up the hairbrush and jump up and down when we hear the song, as well as always remember each and every word of the lyrics. You have to admit though – it does make you want to get up and dance!!
What is a song from your childhood?


  1. Hahaha, Love it. I was always Sporty spice. I also knew all the dance moves from the Spice girl movie #cringingasithinkback

    <3 Faz

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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