Q&A: Twin Edition

19 November 2024|

As a twin mom and twin parents, we are always bombarded with questions when we are out with our boys – and in all honesty, I always ask these same questions too – so I am so happy to answer them. So I thought a little Twin Q&A on the blog would help answer any questions (I also put a Q&A on my Instagram and answered those questions too!)

Twin Q&A:

  1. Are there twins in your family? Not in our immediate family circle but there are a few sets in our extended, extended family (as in my parents second cousins or great aunts and uncles) but you will see below that this has no effect on our twins.
  2. Did you conceive naturally? No. This is a whole post on its own and our birth story is still coming too (haha!) We struggled to fall pregnant with our fourth baby, after three very easy conceptions with our girls so we had done the fertility route. However, we were never crazy enough to implant two embryos (having five children was never the plan!) and only planted one embryo so we assumed this had split into two and we would have identical twins… which they don’t seem to be?!
  3. Were you trying to have a boy? Nope (shock! horror!) We get asked this A LOT and I totally understand why and it does look that way. After our first two daughters, I was desperate for a son in our third pregnancy and I had serious gender disappointment when I first found out that ZB was another girl. But she was the gift that kept on giving, and after always only wanting three children – she was the reason we were desperate for a fourth. We obviously never banked on five precious blessings, and we were convinced that our twins were girls too!
  4. Did you implant male embryos? Some may be surprised at this question and others not. I was shocked when it was first asked!! Just to clear things up, up until last year (apparently), gender selection was illegal in South Africa and something we would never consider, and our fertility clinic would never agree to. The gender of our embryos were never disclosed by our fertility clinic, they don’t ever disclose this information so we had no idea the genders of any of our embryos before implanting them.
  5. Was your twin pregnancy different to your others? Yes. It was by far the toughest pregnancy for many reasons and with constant complications and hurdles along the way but I knew it would end and I knew it would be worth it. This is another post to follow soon.
  6. How many weeks did you give birth? Our twins were born at 32w4d and despite being two tiny little tots, they were incredible fighters from the very start. Again, I will share a pregnancy and birth story soon.
  7. What is it like being a mom of five? Beautiful, crazy, loud, chaotic, loving, messy, blessed, overwhelming, expensive, fun, miraculous, emotional and just who I was born to be.
  8. What car do you drive to fit everyone in? The obvious answer is a mom van/bus but I’m stubborn and I have a thing for cars (not buses!) so I have requested to extend my no-mom-van-status for as long as I can. I have nothing against a bus, in fact some of them are really amazing vehicles but I am in my car on average from 11.30am – 6pm each afternoon and I prefer something smaller or more compact and a more luxurious drive. I am very lucky to be driving a BMW X7 which is a 7 seater – it fits both car seats and three seats for our girls, and even boot space. MC drives the Toyota Land Cruiser which is also a 7 seater so we fit into that too. For our annual road trip holiday, we hire a bus and a trailer for the week but for now, I absolutely love my car!
  9. How did you choose the boys names? This is a whole post on its own – coming soon.
  10. And I saved the best for last… Are you having any more kids? Nope. We are incredibly blessed with our five kiddies even though five was never the plan. I have had a tubal ligation and definitely won’t be having any more sweet babes. Our hands and hearts are full.

Any new questions you like to ask? Ask away in the comments.


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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