Book Review: Lullaby

27 July 2018|

Title: Lullaby (also titled The Perfect Nanny)

Author: Leila Slimani

Genre: Domestic Drama

Main Characters:

  • Louise – The Nanny
  • Adam – Little boy/son
  • Darla – Little girl/daughter
  • Myriam – Mom
  • Paul – Dad


The baby is dead. It only took a few seconds.

When Myriam, a brilliant lawyer, decides to return to work, she and her husband look for a nanny for their two young children. They never dreamed they would find Louise; a quiet, polite and devoted woman who sings to their children, cleans the family’s chic Paris apartment, stays late without complaint and hosts enviable birthday parties. But as the couple and their nanny become more and more dependent on each other, jealousy, resentment and suspicions increase, until Myriam and Paul’s idyllic domesticity is shattered…


This was a tough one to read – as a mom with three young girls, it absolutely killed me and brought me to tears in so many chapters. You cannot begin to fathom such an act and such thoughts and ideas in someones mind. So scary, especially when you have immense trust in your childcare. A spine chiller…

Have you read it? What did you think?

Any other good book recommendations?



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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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