Month 11:
Weight: 11kgs
Height: 75,5cm
Clothing size: Size 1 or 12-18 months!
Diaper size: Size 4+
Feeding: Anything and everything. We are officially on solid food only – no more mashed up baby food. A range of all foods, there is nothing she doesn’t like. Fruit, yogurt, toast and egg for breakfast, meet and cheese and veg with fruit for lunch, and then exactly what we eat for dinner – pasta, roast, meat and veg. She loves it all!
Sleep: Still two good naps during the day between 9-11am and 2.30-4.30pm and then through the night from 6pm – 6am.
Milestones: She is crawling up a storm and at lightning speed. She is now standing alone and climbing all the stairs. She loves to wave and blow kisses and can still only say mama, dada and bye. You still only have two teeth but one more is on it’s way.
Loves: Her favorite person in the world is her Dada. She loves splashing in the water and has started to enjoy our weekly Baby Bright Stars classes. She also loves the Happy Birthday song – good preparation for next month!
Dislikes: Not being able to see your Daddy, your sisters playing rough with you and changing your nappy and clothes now – far too busy for that!
Adventures: Mommy and Daddy have been away for two weekends this month and you have been so happy to stay at home with your Gogo, Robs and your sisters. You have also spent a lot of time with your Nanny and Bumpa – such a special time for you.
Mommy & Daddy could not live without: Our support system. We are truly blessed with an unbelievable nanny and au pair who are so hands on, so helpful and just adore you. We are at complete peace going away and leaving you in their special care – it is a huge help being able to enjoy these nights off and have such amazing help.
See ZB’s Month 10.
See SJ’s Month 11.
See EN’s Month 11.
*Monthly pictures taken by the very talented Bron from Vanilla Photography*