Hello… Nice to meet you.

09 February 2018|

With the start of a new year, new month and a few new faces and followers around here – I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself and this little blogging space of mine…

Hello, I’m Caley and it’s nice to “meet” you.

I’m a thirty-something child of God, living on the sunny East Coast of South Africa.

I’m married to my one true love, MC. We have been together for 11,5 years (since 2006) and have been married for 7,5 years. Our dating years were spent enduring long-distance between London and South Africa – he was there playing professional sport whilst I was home studying and then we traded places for me to try my hand at working there and he came home to start a business, and then we traded one last time for me to further my career and work at home while he went back to the UK to complete his Post Grad degree. The sunny coast is now our home, in our forever house that we built four years ago and hope to grow old in, together. MC is truly my other half, my biggest supporter, the most loyal husband and doting father and I hit the jackpot with this man of mine.

We have three precious daughters.

Our oldest, SJ is about to start Grade R and will be six this year. She is a special soul and has the most beautiful green eyes (in a family of blue eyes). She is friendly, out going, confident and can hold herself in any situation or conversation. She loves to sing and dance, and she is swimming like a fish. She is a smart cookie too and observant and mature beyond her years. She is my min-me and a real mama’s girl.

Our middle babe, EN will be four this year and she is our sunshine child. She has the cheekiest grin that melts hearts, and an infectious giggle that will make even the grumpiest grinch smile. She is introverted by fiercely loyal, and she has a warm and caring nature that protects and cares for those closest to her. She is has a small group of favorite family members and friends but she loves and adores those few. She loves ball skills and getting lost in imaginary worlds and her favorite song lyrics but she is meticulous and focused when doing puzzles, painting or cutting. It is no surprise that EN’s favorite person in the world is her hero, her first true love – her Daddy.

Our sweet baby girl, ZB is the newest member to the family and the missing piece to our puzzle. She has completed us – and it breaks this mama heart to admit that she will be one in a few weeks time. This little pudding with her adorable fat rolls and little dimple has a smile that brings pure joy and delight. She is calm and content and she just fits in. She loves her food, her sleep, her siblings, her mama and most of all, her Daddy. She is the happiest babe we know and we cannot wait to watch her grow and develop into her own little personality this year.


A few favorites about me…

I am an OCD, A-type, organized person. I have a to-do list for every day, a planner and calendar to keep our lives n check and I follow a routine each and every day. I struggle without it! My home, car, wardrobe, and laptop desktop are all neat and tidy, in folders and color co-ordinated. It’s just who I am. I may strive for perfection – but only to be perfect for myself. And I’ve learnt a whole lot about Grace.

I have always believed and followed our Lord, but this past year – I found Jesus – in my heart and in my life. My faith has been renewed and I have connected with Him, found myself on my knees in prayer, we found our new and amazing church home and have met the most enriching friends along the way.

I have always dreamed of having a full home – filled with love and laughter, special friends and a place to make memories. And for this reason, I love to open our doors and invite people in – to socialize, to meet others and to make and share happy memories. I will find any excuse to host a function and I love throwing parties – from adult birthdays, friends bachelorettes and baby showers, casual dinners and fun kids parties. I love planning parties, getting creative and then watching the good times unfold…

I was introduced to the online blogging world over 8 years ago and I was intrigued by people all over the world sharing their lives their stories and networking with other students, newlyweds and then mamas as the years have gone by. I was an English major and have always loved writing – and now this little online space is my baby, my online diary and the reason I have connected with so many beautiful women across the world.

I grew up in a very small family and we weren’t particularly close so my friends became like family – and still are. I have been blessed with the most amazing group of friends from school friends, university friends, old friends, young friends, church friends, mom friends and bookclub friends. This group of girls mean so much to me and truly enrich my life each day. I pour my heart and soul into these friendships and reap the rewards of so many treasured friendships.

Congratulations if you made it to the end. And if you did, please introduce yourself in the comments – tell me who you are, where you are from, what you do for a living, one of your goals for 2018 and what makes you smile…



  1. Such a beautiful post Cals. I always enjoy reading about how you and MC met and about your beautiful angels. My goal this year is to try and be a little less worried and be more stronger. I also want to come down to Durban and meet you.

  2. Beautiful post Caley – lovely getting to know your family a bit more. Would definitely love to some day meet you in the flesh, after all the chatting on insta etc. You seem like a salt of the earth type, real woman of God. Xxx

    1. Ah Rhi – one day!! Hopefully soon… Please tell me you are speaking at the Fall MTH Conference?! Because I should be there x

  3. Hi Caley.
    I stumbled upon this post… what a delight!
    It is good to meet you. I am also a thirty-something year old mom, working full-time, blogging part-time.
    What makes me smile… my children, any time and always. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Hi there! I’m reading from Miami, FL. Not sure how I stumbled upon your space! I’m originally from Durban and my parents still live there (Durban North) so it’s always a pleasure to see some of the photos you share when on some of your holidays!

    1. Wow Vanessa, that is awesome!! I can’t believe your folks live down the road… What made you move to Miami? x

      1. Hi Caley…long story short…I attended the university associated with my church in Tennessee. When I graduated, I ended up in Miami for my Masters (all the while, with every intention of going back home!) well, the Lord had other plans…6 years after moving to Miami, I met my now husband randomly at a Starbucks that neither of us normally went to! We have been together ever since…we made Miami our home because it’s where we met and we like it on most days๐Ÿ˜‰ We now have a two year old little guy along for the ride also๐Ÿ˜€ My husband is from Greece…so we have a Greek South African American toddler ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

        1. WOW!!! What an amazing story – I am so happy for you and your family!
          I won’t lie, I would move to the States tomorrow (Texas to be exact!) – I think I was American in my previous life x

          1. Haha! It’s good to be here…but it’s really hard being away from family, especially now with a little one…

  5. Hi Caley,

    Iโ€˜m Julia, mom of a beautiful 2-year-old boy and I live in Germany. Iโ€˜ve read your blog for a while now (maybe a year?). I just returned to work (as a teacher) but wish I hadnโ€™t… .

    Thank you so much for this terrific blog – I especially love all of your parenting posts (since we seem to be on the same page!).
    All the best to you and your cute family!

    Love from Germany, Julia

    1. Ah Julia, thank you so much for your lovely comment and for introducing yourself. Always so lovely to get to know ladies and mamas from all over the world. It is your comments that keep me posting and sharing x

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About me

I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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