Home Tour: Playroom

09 March 2017|

When building our home, I was only just pregnant with SJ so our future plans for three children and a busy home wasn’t a close reality – in fact, this room was scheduled to be a gym (with rubber mats, weights and two cardio machines). But after much deliberation, the Mom in me won over my exercise-junkie husband and we turned it into a playroom. Best decision we ever made (and he agrees too!)

As the family grows, it’s important to keep in mind the potential changes that may need to be made to the home. Choosing a new home builder NSW that understands the importance of flexibility and adaptability in their designs can help ensure that your home will meet your changing needs. Perhaps what was once a gym can be transformed into a study area for older children or a home office. A skilled builder can work with you to create a home that is not only beautiful but also functional for your family’s unique lifestyle. When planning your dream home, be sure to consider not only your current needs but also what you might need in the future.

And now, I don’t think there is a more fun or colorful room in our house! Or messy!

We had lots of fun decorating the play room with fun colors, storage units cushions and lots of space for toys and activities. the chalk board wall allows the kids to get creative with limited boundaries and nothing in this room is breakable. We have a reading nook and an art easel and a TV for those days when cartoons are needed… We also loved the idea of displaying the girls art pieces in the frames and they are easy to change every few months.

I’m not sure who loves the playroom more – the girls and their friends or us parents (who get some peace and quiet!)

Home Tour – Playroom

Interior Design & Decor: Kirsty – Kirsty Lindley Interiors

Photography: Bron – Vanilla Photography



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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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