Krause Wedding

01 July 2015| ,

On Saturday, two of our very closest friends tied the knot.
L & L are a truly special couple who have crept into our hearts and are a special part of our lives. LK was the MC at our wedding five years ago and this weekend MC returned the favour by being the MC at their wedding. And our two little princesses SJ and EN were flower girls…
LK and MC have been friends since school days and when he met the love of his life in LA, we became best of friends. Our friendship may have only started a few years ago but I feel like she has been a part of it forever! It has been such an honour to join them in the engagement journey leading up to the most magical wedding day.
We spent the weekend at the beautiful Camp Orchards – with an intimate dinner by candlelight (thanks load shedding!) on Friday night, hair and makeup heightened by wedding excitement and nerves on Saturday morning, the great reveal of LA’s wedding dress in the afternoon, an emotional but beautiful wedding ceremony with our little tots dressed like little princesses and the best wedding dance party all night! A special breakfast on Sunday morning to toast the newlyweds and a well deserved nap on Sunday afternoon.
L & L,
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of, and share in your big day.
We loved every second of the build up and wedding weekend and we are so lucky to be your friends and have you in our lives.
We look forward to many more good times and amazing memories together.
(please excuse my iPhone pics!)


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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