15 Favourite Feelings

08 June 2015|

via Pinterest
The lovely Chereen shared such a beautiful post last week on her: 
Fifteen Favourite Feelings
And I decided to share the same too…

1. The blanket of love and protection when MC wraps his arms around me in a full cuddle embrace.

2. The sense of achievement ticking off the whole to do list of a day.

3. The unexpected hug, kiss, cuddle or “I love you” from my a normally-not-very-affectionate SJ.

4. The million bucks feeling after a good manicure, pedicure, spray tan or blow-dry. The four things that make me feel fabulous!

5. The satisfied look on guests faces after tasting your new baking or cooking recipe. 

6. The sheer delight on SJ’s face after putting in all the hard work for her birthday and party.

7. Filling up MC’s love tank.

8. My love tank being full.

9. Seeing the scale drop after working hard at clean eating and good exercise training.

10. The proud moments of motherhood – reaching milestones, swimming unaccompanied, reciting ABC’s and 123’s, and potty training success.

11. A good, long and genuine catch up with a special friend – one on one quality time with those that matter and make the time for me.

12. Liking/loving the reflection I see in the mirror. 

13. The treasured me-time moments with a good book, a cup of tea or sleep in whilst MC spends time with the girls.

14. Hearing SJ say please, thank you, Grace before meals and Amen at the end of her prayers at night. We did good. 

15. The soft, crisp feeling of my cosy bed at night – so grateful for all that I have and the good nights sleep ahead after a busy day.

There are so many more favourite feelings – which is a great feeling in it’s own.
What are your favourite feelings?


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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