Blogtober14: One beauty product you can’t live without

24 October 2014|

One beauty product you cannot live without

This is a tough one because there are a few that I cannot live without – I’ve decided to share two:

Dermalogica Pre-Cleanse
This product is like no other. Never have I been able to remove make up like I can with this. It has passed the white-towel-test with flying colours. It feels so oily when applied but it removes all dirt and make up and leaves you feeling fresh and smooth.
I love it! 


My very favourite lip gloss that is silky smooth (not sticky!), stays on for longer and is the perfect colour – I use the second from the left). I was introduced to this gem a few years ago and now have all my friends hooked too!


What is your favourite beauty product?
Don’t forget to join in ‘blogging every day in October’ with Taylor and Helene.


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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