Oh Hey Friday

25 July 2014|

With the fabulous Five on Friday ladies on a link up break over the US Summer, the Friday posts started to get a little average and sad before the weekend… 
Until these two lovely ladies: Karli and Amy came to the rescue with:

Oh Hey Friday!

So we are back in action – and remember to link up each Friday.

1. Mini Moccasins. Have you ever seen anything cuter? I just ordered a pair of both my girls and I cannot wait for them to arrive! Shop online here.

2. Newborn Shoot. We finally did our newborn photo shoot with the talented Heather Fitchet (is it still newborn at 9 weeks old?!) and here is a sneak peek – we cannot wait to get all the images.

3. Mysmartkid. Did you see my post yesterday? If you live in SA and have a child ages newborn to 7 years old, you need to sign up here! We are loving our new, fun educational toys.

4. Macaroon. I just love this store and their website – perfect stationery and goodies in delicious colours. And the latest “Mum-on-the-Run” range is right up my alley – will e placing my order soon. 

5. Fruit Cleanse. This week, I decided to do a three-day fruit cleanse – basically eating fruit every two hours and a salad for dinner. I was surprised at how good I felt and I wasn’t hungry. You can read more about the fruit flush/cleanse on Caycee’s blog.

Happy weekend


  1. ooooh, excited for a new link up! I always miss mu US blogs over the summer.
    So proud of you for doing the fruit cleanse. I may give it a try soon. Just need to get healthy again.
    Can't wait to see more photos fromt he shoot

  2. Now I really want to try the fruit cleanse. I started week 1 of the Kayla's Bikini Beach Guide and holy crap I refuse to eat bad after all of that work. I can't wait to see your sweet newborn pictures friend. I just love your sweet little family.

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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