Christmas Shoot 2014

03 February 2014| ,

Happy Monday everyone, I hope you all had a magical weekend, and all raring to go this week…

I love family photos, and I love Christmas cards so at the end of every year, I get very excited planning our annual family Christmas shoot for our Christmas cards. This year took some serious planning though because I was violently ill with my morning sickness in the weeks leading up to Christmas, and we struggled to find a day that I could even get out of bed, never mind smile for the camera. 

Eventually one Friday afternoon, I rose and got myself looking presentable, only to be blown off the beach by gale force winds. The next morning, I held my breath and we hit the beach for round 2 of family shoot day. I managed to smile and enjoy the sunshine for a few minutes before getting sick and passing out in the parking lot.

Please excuse how sick I look – but at least we got some special family pics.
And thank you darling Heather for being the most understanding friend and photographer.


  1. Cals… these photos are amazing! You three look so wonderful 🙂 You're a pro at hiding your sickness because you've never looked more glowing. And of course, little Soph is as cute as a button.

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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