Five on Friday

24 January 2014|

Friday has come a lot quicker this week – maybe with all the fun and excitement in our house, and the start of a new year! Another Friday, another Five on Friday post.

Link up with Christina from Carolina Charm

1. Handwriting. After trying my best to personally write/draw SJ’s 1st day of school chalk board, I am obsessed with different fonts and impressive handwriting. my handwriting is neat but not creative, and I wish I write so beautifully for notes, invitations and fun crafts. Maybe a lesson to two is neededโ€ฆ
My first time at chalkboard writing…
2. Juicing. Just before we moved into our new home, we bought a brand new juicer from Milex, and we are loving it! Unfortunately, I am not very adventurous with my juice ingredients and normally just stick to carrot, orange and apple (which is delicious and sweet!) but my sweet blogging friend, Katie has just done a 7 days of juicing and she has given me some fabulous new recipes and ideas.
3. Baby moon. When we were pregnant with SJ, we didn’t even think about going on a baby moon (to be honest it isn’t really a big deal in South Africa) but with Baby #2 on the way, I am dead keen on going on a simple baby moon with my baby daddy. Now the tricky part is to choose where – beach, bush, city and when?? Any ideas welcome.
Source || Source
4. Traditions. I am a sucker for all things organisation, routine and my latest is traditions. I love thinking of new traditions for our family to get involved and keep going for years to come. Our latest tradition is to treat SJ (and any future kiddies) to a Spur dinner on the evening that go back to school each term – what a fun way to start the term and get them motivated after the holidays. Our first one last night was a great hit! 

5. Pyjamas. Anyone else obsessed with their bedtime attire? I love pyjamas and constantly find myself buying more and more – some cute nighties, funky shorts and top combos and then silky long sleeves for Winter. Some of my favourite pyjamas are from the gorgeous Anna-Louise Sleepwear range.

Join in the fun every Friday


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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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