Christmas 2013

29 January 2014|

MC and I both have very small families (mine a lot smaller than his) so family occasions are normally easy to host as the guest list is short and simple – MC’s parents, 2 sisters, BIL and my mom (a grand total of 9 of us). This year we offered to host our annual Christmas lunch at our house and cook a tasty lunch. Unfortunately, the little gastro gremlins got hold of a few members of the family so our lunch table was pretty scarce as my BIL and SIL spent the day in bed, but we had a lovely day nonetheless.
Our families arrived mid-morning and we swopped and opened presents. This year, my SIL decided that we participate in a Secret Santa. So we were each given a person to buy for with their wish list – this is a great way to save money and avoid receiving any unwanted gifts, just for the sake of purchasingโ€ฆ 
MC and I put a yummy Christmas lunch together and as per usual, we all completely over ate and ended up lazing on the couch for the rest of the day.
A special day with special family.

SJ opening her presents

Loving her new horsie

Christmas hosts 

Christmas sisters – don’t you love our Christmas tops?
Starter: Prawn and avocado cocktail
Our meat selection: chicken and gammon (most of us don’t like turkey!)

The spread

As you can tell, we were too busy enjoying our day to get too many photos. Our Boxing Day lunch was just as tasty, and great fun as the “sick” half of the family managed to join in!


  1. I miss Christmas in the summer, love being able to read all the SA blogs about it, makes me feel closer to home ๐Ÿ™‚ Yours looked lovely, well done on the hosting!

    Lu xx

    P.s I deleted the above comment becuase I typed "Your" instead of "Yours" – a bit OCD woops ๐Ÿ™‚

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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