20 Wishes Recap

14 January 2014|

In January 2013, I posted my 20 Wishes
These 20 wishes are wishes that I had made for the year of 2013 that I hoped would come true…

And now a recap:
1. Make at least two donations to charity
My charity work was very slow this year but I have donated toys, sweets and stationery to our local AIDS orphanage Gozololo as well as 4 adult and 4 children’s Christmas boxes filled with clothes, perishables and goodies to a local church.

2. Decorate and move into our house
It has finally happened! On the 13th December 2013, we moved into our newly built and newly decorated home. A post to follow.

3. Run in a 5k or 10k race
Failed. But I am staying positive because I started running and I ran more than I ever have before. Post-pregnancy, I will be back!

4. Organise a fun photo shoot with my special girlfriends
Our sweet book club enjoyed a fun photo shoot with the talented Bron from Vanilla Photography. See the pics here.

5. Save at least R1000 per month
I saved so well in the first half of the year and then started spending all my savings on decor items for our house. Savings starts again now, January 2014.

6. Go on holiday to Europe
Unfortunately due to our building costs and Summer holiday, Europe has been put on hold for this year. Can’t wait!

7. Make and send Christmas cards
They are in the post and on their way – they were “made” in a photographic sense and sent off. Our 2013 Christmas card below.

8. Send birthday cards to all close family and friends
Again, this was a first half of the year attempt but I kept it up with sending flowers on birthdays. Something to brighten up a friends birthday. I will be better in 2014!

9. Reach my pre-pregnancy goal weight
I didn’t think I would ever do it, and I nearly didn’t but thanks to my horrible first trimester of my second pregnancy, I reached my goal weight. And now we start again and do it all again

10. Bake SJ’s first birthday cake
So proud of this moment and my special cake. See more pics here.

11. Read the Bible
I have been reading it slowly and more than ever but I still need to find more me-time to sit quietly and get more done.

12. Go on a blate (blogging date)
I was lucky enough to meet up with the sweet Jenna from A Home Away From Home for lunch whilst she was visiting in Durban. Jenna’s blog was one of the first I started reading a few years ago and I love that she is an expat living in South Africa. We met for the first time in Johannesburg in 2012 and again for this lunch date in my home town. Hoping for many more blates to come.

13. Learn to sew
Failed. Dismally. I started lessons and then lost the time.
I will try again though.

14. Plan a surprise party
This was also very recent but at the end of October, I planned a surprise birthday dinner for my friend, Lisa. She was super surprised and had a lovely evening.

15. Enjoy a local South African getaway
Thanks to numerous weddings this year, MC and I have enjoyed a few weekend getaways, mainly to the bush and to the Midlands and my birthday weekend to Cape Town.

16. Keep a prayer journal
I haven’t kept this up all year but I do jot things down often.

17. Enjoy a girls weekend away
A few weeks ago, a group of us girls enjoyed a weekend away in the Midlands. A chilled weekend with lots of eating and drinking and memorable laughs and moments.

18. Start a Halloween tradition – trick or treating in our neighborhood and host a dress up party
This will have to wait until next year as we didn’t move into our house soon enough.

19. Decorate SJ’s “big girl” room
I am so proud of my little girls “big” room. I cannot believe we have a toddler who is about to start sleeping in a bed and has a new, pink room. No more baby

20. A secret wish (this will be shared in time)
And our secret wish was to be pregnant.
And how blessed we are that our second little miracle is on it’s way.

2013 was a good year and we cannot wait for a new and exciting year in 2014, and another 20 wishes.

Do you have any wishes for 2014??


  1. I am so impressed by how many of the wishes you managed to achieve – well done!!! And best of all, the secret wish came true too. I love SJ's big girl bed.
    All the best for 2014 and may it be the most wonderful year for the Rosies!

  2. Aaah, I love EVERYTHING about this list! It totally gave me goosebumps… LOVE your secret wish. How incredibly special. Also absolutely adore SJ's "big girl" room, the cake you made for her birthday (wow! Super talented you are!) and your gorgeous Xmas card. You have such a beautiful family. Oh how I wish I could go on a blare with you… one day, hopefully! xxx

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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