Week 13: A room within my childhood home

09 September 2013|

Week 13: A room within my childhood home
Link up with Becky
Unfortunately, my post this week is pretty boring.
As in, no-pictures-kinda-boring.
And all because my mom and I were so terrible at keeping all my photographs over the years. Remembering that back in my day, there were no such things as digital cameras and memory sticks so our pictures were taken and then printed, and then hundreds of photographs had to be stored. After numerous moves and different houses and a mom that isn’t very sentimental, we are left with the odd few.
But back to the point of this post, those odd few don’t include any of my childhood bedrooms so I will have to explain them (as well as I can remember them!)
Ages 3 – 6 years:
A plain white room with yellow and red bedcovers (in support of Winnie the Pooh) and a Donald Duck night lamp next to my bed. 
Ages 7 – 12:
I have no recollection of what this room looked like but I do remember my miniature white and pink school desk (it even opened to store stationery inside) and it had the 12 x tables printed on it.
Ages 12 – 14:
This room was my proud masterpiece. I decided one day that I liked the sponge look on walls so I tried to match my boring white wall to my blue and white checked bed covers by taking a sponge and some blue paint and letting loose on the walls.
What a mess!
And i got bored halfway through so my room was only half done for a week until my new inspiration the following weekend.
Ages 15+:
I switched to pastels in high school – egg duck blue and a light green print on my bedcovers, half white and half blue walls and white furniture. Not sure about the obsession with blue?!
I have to be honest, I was no decorator back in my day and I am ashamed to say that I wasn’t a huge fan of any of my rooms. I always remember visiting friends houses and envying the girly rooms, accessories or teen pads they were blessed with.
Hopefully I have learnt a bit through my years, and poor SJ has a room she is proud of.
My apologies again for no pictures, I know you are now dying to see my bedroom disasters!
Instead, I will leave you with a few of what I WISH my humble abode had looked like…
What did your childhood rooms look like?

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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