Week 12: What being a mom looks like

02 September 2013| ,

Week 12: What being a mom looks like

Being a mom is indescribable, I have no words…
But this is me being a mom…

Photography by Heather Fitchet
Photography by Vanilla Photography
Photography by Nan West

Photography by Heather Fitchet
Are you a mom? What does it look like?


  1. Awesome post…thanks for sharing!! You actually brought me to tears, because I feel exactly the same way about my daughter Zoe, who is 9 years old 🙂 Zoe is my rainbow to keep. My eyes will always be watching her; never will I lose sight of her 🙂 Much love!!! xxxx

  2. Wow, that second picture is just the most precious thing! I hope you have it framed somewhere in your house? And it is just so lovely to see how babies evolve into little people, so cute!

  3. Ah, she is just beautfiul Cals… there are no words 🙂 I forgot what a full dark head of hair she had when she was born… it's definitely lightened over time. xxx

  4. Oh my goodness! Your little princess is just so beautiful. I am not a mom {yet} but this post has made me want to hurry up the process 🙂 xxx
    And you look so good at it too!
    Lots of love

  5. You are such an amazing mama…one that I would like to be like when I have babes one day soon hopefully! She is such a doll, and look at all that hair she was born with. Just precious. xoxo

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I'm Caley a thirty-something wife & mummy from Durban, South Africa. Ellie Love Blog is all about me, my family and our beautiful life.


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